Using the Space Analysis Package
The package comes with a number of sample files provided to help you get started with each of the supported workflows.
It is highly recommended to start with the samples as they contain detailed notes and instructions on how to use each of the nodes.
Package Structure
The space analysis package is organizes into 5 main categories in the Dynamo library.
Core : Core provides the framework for all space analysis workflows. This category contains the common SpaceLattice object that is utilized in all space analysis workflows.
Acoustics : This category contains nodes that support approximate acoustic analysis workflows.
Pathfinding : Support for path finding workflows. This utilizes Djikstra’s shortest path algorithm. The pathfinding algorithms in this toolkit work on a grid (space lattice), with the size and resolution defined by the graph creator.
Visibility : Support for visibility analysis using a view cone, or a view point.
Utils : Miscellaneous utilities for use within the package.
Defining a Space Lattice with Core Nodes
The Space lattice object is the base object for space analysis workflows. It is essentially a 2d grid with diagonal connections.
boundingBox - The Dynamo bounding box to generate a space lattice object for.
barriers - A list of lines that represent areas where there would be no lattice present
resolution - Space between two adjacent points of the lattice. (This uses your project units, so be sure to verify what those are prior to running) default value = 0.2
Simple Space Lattice with Barriers
Sample File: spaceAnalysis-CreateSimpleSpaceLattice.dyn
Be sure to peek at the sample files in the extra folder for use-cases of the space lattice object.
Space analysis supports general acoustic analysis which are very useful for Generative Design applications. While these analyses are not necessarily validated. They can be very useful to use for constraints. (These nodes can be used towards a design goal of "buzz factor").
Additional Resources for Acoustics:
Path Finding
2D Path finding algorithms are included in space analysis. These are achieved using and implementation of Djikstra’s shortest path algorithm.
A difference between space analysis path finding and the Path Finding in Autodesk Revit is, Space Analysis has no dependency on the Revit API - making it a perfect companion to Dynamo sandbox.
Simple Two Point Path Finding
Probably the simplest example of this would be to use a start point and end point with a barrier in-between.
In the space analysis samples, this is demonstrated in: spaceanalysis-pathfinding-01-one-path.dyn
Additional Resources for Pathfinding:
Space Analysis offers a few different ways of analyzing visibility. While there are a few overlapping pieces between Space Analysis' visibility tools and Refinery Toolkit's, they can both compliment each other or simply give us other criteria to perform generative workflows on.
Single Point Analysis
Given a SpaceLattice object, a view point and boundaries. We are able to define a view field and perform an analysis.
Related Sample File: spaceanalysis-visibility-01-one-point-local-visibility.dyn
More information regarding single point analysis is available in the sample files within the tool kit.
Multi-Point Analysis
Given a SpaceLattice object, multiple view points and boundaries. We are able to define a view field and perform an analysis.
Related Sample File: spaceanalysis-visibility-03-two-points-union-vs-intersection.dyn
View Cone Analysis
View cone analysis works similarly to Refinery Toolkit. With Space Analysis View Cone analysis your results will report "possible view range" within the analysis zone. While Refinery Toolkit will report if a given viewpoint is visible.
Related Sample File: spaceanalysis-visibility-04-one-point-view-cone.dyn
All samples for Space Analysis are available in the extra
folder in the install directory.
Typically this is, C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Dynamo\Dynamo Core\2.10\packages\SpaceAnalysis\extra
Last updated
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